
Seeking Recovery

May your miracle begin here

The Opal House is a AA, NA, OA, FA and ABA based recovery home for women that encourages and empowers women to live a life free from addiction. The founding core of the Opal House is to help each one of our program members develop the necessary skills for long term recovery through the program guide listed below. We believe that through our structured daily plan and our ability to provide a safe and stable environment recovery from addiction is possible. The Opal House encourages our program members to work a rigorous program of recovery including:


Working the 12- Step based Programs of AA and NA


Work closely with a AA/NA sponsor.


Networking and developing an all female support group


Daily Prayer and Affirmations


Attending daily AA/NA meetings


Working the ACORN or similar 12- Steps based programs of OA, FA, and ABA

Contact Us Today

Do not waste another minute. Please contact us today so that you can get started on your path to recovery and a new life.